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Glass Handling Gloves

All Glass Handling Gloves

All Glass Handling Gloves

If you work in recycling or waste management, there's a chance your job involves a lot of glass handling, so it's imperative that you protect your hands as much as possible against punctures and lacerations. Browse our full range of Glass Handling Gloves here at, with a variety of robust handling gloves available for purchase.

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Kevlar Glass Handling Gloves

Kevlar Glass Handling Gloves

Glass and shards present a constant danger in certain workplaces (Recycling etc.), so it's imperative that you protect your hands as much as possible against punctures and lacerations. Browse our full range of Kevlar Glass Handling Gloves here at, with a variety of robust Kevlar knitted work gloves available for purchase.

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Gloves for Handling Broken Glass

Gloves for Handling Broken Glass

Broken glass and shards pose a constant threat to workers in waste management and recycling facilities, so it's important that workers fortify their digits with the best hand protection available. Browse our range of Gloves for Handling Broken Glass, with a selection of puncture resistant work gloves available for purchase.

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Glass Blowing Gloves

Glass Blowing Gloves

Glass blowing is a dangerous industrial activity that requires specialised workwear to protect the digits against burns, scalding and serious injury. Our wide range of Glass Blowing Gloves includes a set of high-quality protective gloves in various designs and materials, so you can easily find the right pair for you.

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