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Autoclave Gloves

All Autoclave Gloves

All Autoclave Gloves

Using an autoclave can be dangerous without the right protection, as steam-sterilisation can leave your hands open to some serious burns. Browse our full range of Autoclave Gloves, a selection of safety gloves knitted with high quality heat resistant fibres to help you repel burns and sterilise your equipment safely.

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Waterproof Autoclave Gloves

Waterproof Autoclave Gloves

Autoclavable gloves need to be highly durable to survive the repetitive sterilisation process that contaminated equipment and tools are submitted to. Browse our full range of Waterproof Autoclave Gloves, a selection of heat resistant and water resistant safety gloves that will ensure your hands stay protected in autoclave processes.

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Heat-Resistant Autoclave Gloves

Heat-Resistant Autoclave Gloves

If you're going to sterilise your gloves in an autoclave, it's important that they are heat resistant to protect your hands and gloves from the extremities of steam powered sterilisation. Browse our full range of Heat-Resistant Autoclave Gloves, a selection of high quality safety gloves with heat resistant fibres for your protection.

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